Page 17 - Dandaleith Angus Sale 2021 ebook
P. 17

ANGUSPURE PARTNER STUD                                 EXTRA ANGUSPURE

                        AngusPure NZ has teamed up with 88 Angus studs who share   ENDORSEMENT FOR MARBLING
                        in our vision - to focus on the end consumer. This stud is proud   In addition to the ‘A’, and to assist bull buyers who wish to select
                        to be named as one of them, and by using the finest genetics   for more marbling we are rewarding those animals that are in the
                        and implementing best management practice they can help you   top 25% of the breed for AngusPure index and who also have
                        produce more premium quality Angus beef.         their marbling EBV (IMF) in the top 50% as well. These bulls will be
                        Only our AngusPure Partner studs display these devices in their sale   awarded an ‘A+’ endorsement. Marbling is one of the very highest
                        catalogues. They indicate bulls endorsed by AngusPure NZ.  eating quality attributes and is necessary in order to meet some of
                                                                         the highest premium requirements for our new program, AngusPure
                              ANGUSPURE ENDORSED BULLS                   Special Reserve. To qualify for the ‘A+’ endorsement, bulls must meet
                                                                         a minimum AngusPure index of +$141. They must also meet the
                                                                         minimum marbling requirement of +1.7 for IMF
                        AngusPure continues to endorse bulls for sale that are in the top 40% of the
                                                                         These bulls will be => +$141 for AngusPure index and => + 1.7
                        breed for AngusPure index. This index gives commercial farmers confidence
                        that by using this selection tool, bulls are most likely to leave progeny with   for IMF EBV.
                        superior carcase quality and at the same time achieve desirable outcomes for   AngusPure recognises the need to lift the amount of marbling in
                        self replacing herds, as the AngusPure index still rewards cattle with strong   our New Zealand cow genetics, in order to fill the requirements of
                        maternal attributes like calving ease, scrotal and growth, along with carcase   consumers going forward. Marbling has two critical components;
                        weight. To qualify for the ‘A’ endorsement, bulls must meet a minimum   genetics and feeding. Feeding on a rising plane of nutrition is vital
                        AngusPure index of +$120.                        but without the genetics these attributes will not be able to express
                        These bulls will be => +$120 for AngusPure index.  themselves.
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