Page 5 - Hemingford 2021 ebook
P. 5
Conditions of sale
1 The sale will be conducted under the rules and regulations of the North
Canterbury Stock & Station Agents Association as available from agents
2 All details of cattle catalogued are believed to be correct, but the
auctioneers and vendors do not accept responsibility for errors or omissions.
3 Both herds are TB & Brucellosis accredited, C10 status, BVD blood tested &
vaccinated twice, & Hemingford Charolais is a MYO tested clear herd.
4 All cattle become purchaser’s responsibility from the fall of the hammer.
Purchasers are advised to insure all cattle prior to transit.
5 All bulls are sold with a 3 year structural soundness guarantee, they will be
capable of natural service, this does not cover faults due to negligence on
the part of the purchaser or faults due to injury or abscess. The value of the
bull shall decrease by a 1/3 each year also taking into account possible
killing revenue.
6 The entry of any bull in the catalogue constitutes a guarantee of fertility.
All bulls offered have passed a semen test and have been palpated and
checked by Xcell Breeding Services. Any claims must be made in writing
and accompany a veterinary report within 6 months of the sale, it may
either be replaced with an animal of comparable value or the credit given
for the following sale, without interest, expense, cost or damages. An
arbitrator, appointed by the auctioneers will settle any disputes.
7 All intending purchasers are required to register at the sales office prior to
the sale. All bulls sold are GST exclusive
A purchasing rebate of 6% will then be paid to non-participating livestock
companies and recognized independent livestock agents with approved
credit facilities introducing and/or accompanying buyers to the sale.
8 Hemingford Charolais and Alfriston Herefords retain the right to collect
semen for inherd use on all bulls. This would be at purchasers convenience.
9 50% of all International Semen Rights will be retained by the vendor in all
bulls catalogued unless prior arrangement has been made with the vendor.
10 The vendor reserves the right to change the order of the catalogue
As soon as possible after the sale. Free delivery in the South Island and to Feilding in
the North Island.
Every effort will be taken by the vendors, auctioneers, their staff and assistants,
both on the day of the sale as well as any visits of inspection to ensure the safety
of intending buyer and visitors. We wish however to advise that while this sale is run
under normal management conditions, certain dangers exist in relation to livestock
and their environment. Visitors should take care to ensure their personal safety.