Page 4 - Hillcroft Catalogue 2021 ebook
P. 4
We welcome everyone to our sale.
We have been beef performance recording our stud since 1960 (60 years).
We have always bred cattle that will do well on the hills.
Calving at 2 years and heavily culled, only the best remain in the stud. Our aim is to breed good sound cattle with
good temperament, structure, muscling, milk, fertility, and ease of calving. All our calves are weighed at birth.
Our Hereford Stud has more recent beginnings but the same criteria applies. We have paid particular attention to
calving ease and you will note our Birth Weights are well below the breed average.
Despite another very challenging season the bulls have come through well, showing their true potential. The cows
remain in great condition, having had no supplemented feed.
As you will see with this year’s yearlings we have made some changes.
Improving calving ease without sacrificing growth and all round performance!
We are very pleased with their growth and present to you our very best yearlings. A mob of 77 were selected for
heifer mating and amongst them are many of our top bulls of the year.
I’m sure you will agree!
Hillcroft is a closed beef breeding unit with the only introduced stock being 2-3 sires, annually,
purchased from similar closed breeding units. We do not lease bulls. The risk of MBovis is
extremely low – but please clean your boots before coming to the sale.
All our bulls are guaranteed sound.
All bulls have been tested BVD negative and twice vaccinated
C10 status
Brucellosis free
1. The New Zealand Stock & Station Agent’s Association Conditions of Sale and, to the extent deemed EXTRA ANGUSPURE
relevant by PGG Wrightson Limited (PGW), PGW’s Terms of Sale apply to this sale. When proceeds ANGUSPURE PARTNER STUD ENDORSEMENT FOR MARBLING
are credited or a purchase is debited to a PGW monthly credit account, then PGW’s Monthly Account AngusPure NZ has teamed up with 87 Angus studs who share
in our vision - to focus on the end consumer. This stud is proud
Terms of Trade (as amended from time to time) apply to the extent deemed relevant by PGW. These to be named as one of them, and by using the finest genetics In addition to the ‘A’, and to assist bull buyers who wish to
select for more marbling we are rewarding those animals
terms can be inspected at the registration desk and on the wall in the auction room. The current versions and implementing best management practice they can help you that are above +$141 for either the AngusPure or AngusPRO
of PGW’s Terms of Sale and Monthly Account Terms of Trade are also available online at: produce more premium quality Angus beef. index and who also have their marbling EBV (IMF) equal
to or greater than +1.7. These bulls will be awarded an ‘A+’
Only our AngusPure Partner studs display these devices in their\Our-Company\Terms-and-Conditions or in hardcopy on request. sale catalogues. They indicate bulls endorsed by AngusPure NZ. endorsement. Marbling is one of the very highest eating
quality attributes and is necessary in order to meet some of
2. EACH LOT WILL BE AT THE RISK OF THE PURCHASER FROM THE FALL ANGUSPURE ENDORSED BULLS the highest premium requirements for our export program,
AngusPure Special Reserve.
OF THE HAMMER. AngusPure NZ continues to endorse bulls for sale that are above To qualify, bulls will be => +$141 for AngusPure/
+$120 for either the AngusPure or AngusPRO index. These indexes AngusPRO indexes and => +1.7 for IMF EBV.
3. Notice of fertility or failure to Breed shall be accompanied by a veterinary certificate and MUST be in give commercial farmers confidence that by using these selection AngusPure NZ recognises the need to lift the amount of
the hands of the vendor within four months of delivery. Where a bull is not a breeder the purchase price tools, bulls are most likely to leave progeny with superior carcase marbling in our New Zealand cow genetics, in order to fill
quality and at the same time achieve desirable outcomes for self
without expenses will be refunded. replacing herds, as the AngusPure/AngusPRO indexes still reward the requirements of consumers going forward. Marbling has
cattle with strong maternal attributes like calving ease, scrotal and two critical components; genetics and feeding. Feeding on
a rising plane of nutrition is vital but without the genetics
4. Sale will be processed in 14 days. growth, along with carcase weight. these attributes will not be able to express themselves.
To qualify, bulls will be => +$120 for AngusPure/
AngusPRO indexes.