Page 7 - Lime Hills Herefords Catalogue ebook
P. 7
Breedplan: EBVs Shorten the Odds Here at Limehills our bulls are
naturally presented to shift into
commercial conditions with our
Breeders using the new BREEDPLAN system of performance guarantee of satisfaction.
recording use an Estimated Breeding Value (EBV) to rank We stand behind what we sell.
animals on different traits.
Please bring this catalogue to
Example: the sale
• All bulls semen tested.
Group EBV’s (kg)
• All bulls muscle scanned.
200 Day 200 Day (kg) 400 Day (kg) 600 Day (kg) • All bulls muscle and IMF
Milk Growth Weight (Est) Weight
scanned for many years.
+15 +31 +50 +72 • Vet examined for penal
All bulls will have this information to help you with your sire selection
depending on the goals you are looking to achieve.
An EBV is based on an animal’s own performance plus the performance
of all known relative, sire, dam, half sisters, etc., as well as adjusting for
environmental factors which effect actual growth rate. We have been fully
performance recording since 1978 and this along with BREEDPLAN we feel we
can provide you with a detailed easy to understand aid in your Bull selection.