Page 2 - Merchiston Angus Catalogue ebook
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                        ASCOT HALLMARK H147 (IMP AUS)

                                                                              Born: 05/08/12     No. : AUQQFH147

          SIRE                                                   DAM
          EMPEROR E343(AI)                                       BRENDA F123
          (IMP AUS)           TE MANIA LOWAN Z74(AI)(ET)                            MILLAH MURRAH BRENDA D113 PV

         Comments: In my 40 years of breeding cattle this sire has created a greater impact on his progeny than I have ever witnessed before
         at Merchiston. More progeny make the two sale teams and are retained for breeding than we have seen before. They are sound, quiet
         cattle that perform like no other I have been involved with. They have moderated birth for a larger framed bull, fatten easily and weigh as
         per the performance data but still retain a softness and positive fats, very unusual for a sire of his type.
         My summation of this bull is that every commercial breeder should have some of this blood in their herds, given the impact he has had
         here at Hunterville and at Rangiwahia.
         OR is it any wonder that he is a true breeding bull given that his pedigree involves debatably  A+
         two of the most prominent herds in Australia - Te Mania and Millah Murrah.
         Te Mania Emperor is still one of ABs Australias leading semen sale sires after many years
         of selling his semen, and the Millah Murrah herd keeps breaking Australian record prices   Selection Index Values
         for sale averages and individual animals.                            Market Target  Index Value  Breed Average
         This bull comfortably fits our criteria of having a superior female as his dam, something   Self Replacing Index   +$127  +$100
         you will see more of in years to come at Merchiston.                 AngusPure Index   +$183   +$104
         Don’t miss the opportunity to purchase one of his 15 sons in this years sale.

                                MAY 2021 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation EBVs for 2019 born calves
               Calv.   Calv.                                                         Eye
               Ease  Ease  Gest.     200 Day   400 Day   600 Day   Mat.   Scrotal   Carcase   Muscle
              Direct  Dtrs  Len.   Birth Wt.   Wt.   Wt.   Wt.   Cow Wt.   Milk   Size   Days to   Wt.   Area   Rib Fat   Rump   RBY   IMF
               (%)   (%)  (days)  (kg)  (kg)  (kg)  (kg)  (kg)  (kg)  (cm)  Calv.  (kg)  (  (mm)  Fat (mm)  (%)  (%)
          EBV  -3.1  +2.6  -5.3  +7.5  +60  +110  +157  +142  +17  +3.3  -8.3  +80   -1.2  +0.9  +1.0  -1.2  +2.2
          ACC  84%  69%   98%   98%   98%  98%   98%   96%   95%   97%   71%  94%   93%   93%   92%   91%   91%
                                              Breed Avg. EBVs for 2019 Born Calves
          EBV  +1.8  +2.1  -4.4  +4.2  +46  +84  +110  +95   +16   +1.9  -4.2  +61  +5.4  +0.1  -0.2  +0.4  +1.8
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