Page 3 - Oranga Angus Yearling sale
P. 3
1st Bull Sale
22nd September 2021 - 12 noon
Rongotea Sale Yards
Light lunch and refreshments will be provided
Welcome to our Oranga Angus 1st Annual R1 and R2 Bull Sale. * GST – All lots are sold exclusive of GST.
Oranga Angus have been farmed in Apiti, Manawatu for the * Buyers Registration – A buyer’s number will operate at
past 13 years on our 416 ha hill country property in conjunction the sale, therefore it will be necessary for all prospective
with our 2500 high performing ewe flock. purchasers to register prior to commencement of sale.
* Faults – While all care & responsibility has been taken by
Our herd was purchased in 2005 from Colin and Jan Rogers, the vendor & NZ Farmers Livestock, no responsibility can
Oropi, Tauranga. The Rogers family had been breeding bulls be taken for any errors or omissions. All animals sold in an
for the dairy industry since the 1970’s with a focus on low as is where is condition, and any perceived faults cannot be
birth weight and ease of calving. We have since taken this to readdressed by the above parties.
the next level. All calves weighed and tagged at birth. PRAC
recorded with EBVs. Cows are calved behind a wire. Any bad * Insurance – All care will be taken with the cattle awaiting
temperament is culled. All heifers are calved as 2yr olds. We delivery but they become the responsibility of the purchaser
have been using Waigroup bulls for the last 10 years. Waigroup at the fall of the hammer. Insurance strongly advised &
has selected for heifer mating characteristics since 1974. They representatives will be in attendance.
are tough and durable. * Conditions – Sale will be conducted under usual conditions
as set by New Zealand Stock and Station Agents.
We stand by our bulls. Customer satisfaction is very important
to us and we would look to resolve any issues quickly. * Inspection – Cattle available for inspection. Contact NZ
Farmers Livestock or Vendors.
We would like to sincerely thank all those who have supported * Selling Order – Vendors reserve right to alter lot order. The
us over the years to get to this point. We look forward to seeing highest bidder for any lot shall be the purchaser. Should any
you at our sale.
dispute arise, the dispute may be settled by the auctioneer
Kind regards, at his option, or the lot may be put up again & re-sold.
Blair, Fiona and family * Rebate – 6% commission will be paid to all companies
introducing purchasers prior to sale.
* OSH – Visitors are reminded of OSH regulations and are
* Oranga Angus implements an ‘industry best-practice’, whole requested to take all care and responsibility for all actions
farm, animal health programme. while on the property.
* TB-Herd status C10 * All bulls purchased must be uplifted on the day of the sale.
* BVD- all bulls have been blood tested BVD antigen negative
and been vaccinated with two shots of Hibrabovis. All bulls
will require an annual Hibrabovis booster each September.
* IBR- all bull are vaccinated two shots for IBR (with Hibrabovis)
* 10-1 all bulls have received two shots 10-1
* Leptospirosis – all bulls have had two shots 3 way lepto
* Our cattle run in conjunction with a large, high-performing
Ewe flock.