Page 14 - Otapawa Bull Sale 2021 ebook
P. 14

Reference Sire          OTAPAWA SPARK 3060 (ET)               HB: 0347033060P
                                                                      Born: 18/09/03

                                                 VENA PARK SHARKA (J)
                                                 ALLENDALE DAWN N159 (P)
                                                 BOWEN KILDONNAN K208 ET (P)
           BOWEN TRICEL P180 (P)
                                                 BOWEN TRICEL K199 (P)

                                                 BRAXTON EXPLORER 76H (ET) (P)
           MONYMUSK DISCOVERY L34 (BM) (P)
                                                 BRAXTON MOONBEAM 273G (P)
       OTAPAWA SPOT P30 (BM) (P)
                                                 OTAPAWA BRONCO (P)
           OTAPAWA SPOT L44 (BM) (P)
                                                 OTAPAWA SPOT (P)
       DIR  DTRS GEST  BW  Milk  200D 400D 600D MCW  SS  Cwt  EMA  RIB  RUMP RBY  IMF
       +6.6  +6.8  -5.1  +5.3  +20  +48  +79  +113  +127  +2.5  +80  +5.0  +1.9  +2.1  -0.4  +1.8
      97%  94%  98%  99%  98%  98%  98%  98%  98%  98%  97%  94%  95%  96%  95%  96%
                                                 HP $  +$158  B/H $  +$234  D/B $  +$142
      Traits observed:  BWT 200WT 400WT 600WT FAT EMA IMF Genomics  SIRE VERIFIED, 50K SNP
      COMMENTS:  Spark is our world renowned sire that has bred so many top cattle around the world and still leaves
      legacy in our herd.  A trait leading Sire across 5 traits, with 421 registered daughters around the World. He continues
      to breed productive industry relative cattle. We have Spark daughters still in the herd at 14yrs of age.  Longevity and
      productivity equals profi tability. Spark is a trait leader for IMF.

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