Page 42 - Raupuha Shorthorns Catalogue ebook
P. 42


      Herdbook No.# 211519020  PEN: Pen 6    Colour: Red/Roan      DOB:  31/08/19
            YAMBURGAN ZEUS H140 (IMP AUS) Red          MATING DETAILS:
         SIRE: YAMBURGAN ZEUS L368 (IMP AUS) Roan      AI 15/12/2020

            YAMBURGAN MATILDA J236 Roan                Natural 15/12/20 – 27/01/21
            RAUPUHA LOCKYER 202 White                  211519094
         DAM: RAUPUHA COUNTESS 461 White               SALE NOTES:
            RAUPUHA COUNTESS 036 Roan
       DIR  DTRS  GL  Birth 200W 400W 600W Mat W  Milk  SS  CWT  EMA  RIB  RUMP  IMF  RBY  INDEXES
       +5.9  +8.3  -4.1  +0.4  +21  +28  +35  +29  +5  +1.8  +26  +3.1  +0.1  +0.8  +0.5  +0.3  SR  Dairy
       44%  36%  68%  73%  68%  70%  66%  59%  39%  54%  54%  58%  65%  65%  49%  57% +$83 +$54

      Purchaser: ..................................................................................  Price: .......................................
      Lot No: 39 RAUPUHA PADDY 19046

      Herdbook No.# 211519046  PEN: Pen 6    Colour: Red with Little White  DOB:  11/09/19
            GLENDHU ICEMAN 13305 Red with Little White  MATING DETAILS:
                                                       AI 15/12/2020
         SIRE: GLENDHU LOCHORE 16603 Red/Roan          Sprys Heritage P73
            GLENDHU PLOVEE DUCHESS 14429 White         Natural 15/12/20 – 27/01/21
            CORSOCK CARNIVAL 12448 Roan                211519094
         DAM: RAUPUHA 16630 Roan                       SALE NOTES:
            RAUPUHA PADDY 742 Roan
       DIR  DTRS  GL  Birth 200W 400W 600W Mat W  Milk  SS  CWT  EMA  RIB  RUMP  IMF  RBY  INDEXES
       +7.6  +2.2  +0.2  +1.6  +19  +26  +35  +36  +3  +1.0  +28  +3.7  +0.9  +2.1  +0.9  +0.2  SR  Dairy
       39%  31%  34%  72%  65%  67%  62%  56%  36%  44%  51%  54%  62%  62%  45%  53% +$78 +$66

      Purchaser: ..................................................................................  Price: .......................................

      Lot No: 40 RAUPUHA PADDY 19052
      Herdbook No.# 211519052  PEN: Pen 6    Colour: Red with Little White  DOB:  17/09/19
         SIRE: ORENA BALANCE 15012 Roan                AI 15/12/2020

            ORENA MAID 10005 Roan                      Natural 15/12/20 – 27/01/21
            AUSTINS LOCKYER 10-19 Roan                 211519001
         DAM: RAUPUHA 16639 Roan                       SALE NOTES:
            RAUPUHA PADDY 206 Roan
       DIR  DTRS  GL  Birth 200W 400W 600W Mat W  Milk  SS  CWT  EMA  RIB  RUMP  IMF  RBY  INDEXES
       -3.1  +4.2  -0.3  +3.4  +28  +39  +51  +31  +6  +1.8  +30  +3.0  +0.0  +0.6  +0.7  +0.3  SR  Dairy
       43%  35%  41%  73%  68%  70%  65%  59%  44%  54%  55%  58%  65%  65%  50%  57% +$58 +$11

      Purchaser: ..................................................................................  Price: .......................................

      2021 Bull Sale 40  Raupuha Shorthorns
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