Page 12 - Rauriki Charolais 2021 Catalogue ebook
P. 12

Birth Date: 03/10/19
                   LOT 3 - RAURIKI PUFF P63
                                                             Animal ID: 900190063E

             TOPAKI JACKAROO 140003
             SILVERSTREAM WENDY J181
             KAITOKE HAWKESBY H8
     Dam: RAURIKI JIN J34
             RAURIKI F48

      2021 Group               DIR     DTRS      BW       200      400     600
       Breedplan         EBV   +0.9     +2.4     +1.0     +17      +38      +54
         EBVs            ACC   40%      29%      73%      64%      64%      71%

                      Milk      SS    Carc Wt.   EMA      RIB     RUMP     RBY
                       +4      +2.5     +32      +2.2     +0.0     +0.0    +0.5
                ACC   43%      72%      57%      49%      55%      54%     52%
    Puff has a massive potential ahead of him. It was a hard decision to sell this bull. Very good pedigree behind him. Top

    10% growth, with fertility and soundness. Super appealing bull with the wow factor. Polled.
    Purchaser: ..............................................................   $.............................
        2021 Group Breedplan   DIR     DTRS      BW       200      400     600
         EBV Averages for
         2019 born calves  EBV  +1.4    +0.7     +0.2     +12      +24      +32
                      Milk      SS    Carc Wt.   EMA      RIB     RUMP     RBY
                EBV    +7      +1.1     +20      +1.6     +0.4     +0.5    +0.0
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17