Page 14 - Tarangower Angus Catalogue ebook
P. 14
Carcase Weight EBV (kg) is based on abattoir carcase Docility EBV (%) is an estimate of the genetic differences
records and is an indicator of the genetic differences in carcase between animals in temperament. Docility EBVs are expressed as
weight at the standard age of 750 days. differences in the percentage of progeny that will be scored with
Eye Muscle Area EBV (sq cm) is calculated from acceptable temperament (ie. either “docile” or “restless”).
measurements from live animal ultrasound scans and from abattoir
carcase data, adjusted to a standard SELECTION INDEXES
There are currently three different selection indexes calculated for
400 kg carcase. This EBV estimates genetic differences in eye
muscle area at the 12/13th rib site of a 400 kg dressed carcase. New Zealand Angus animals. These are Self-Replacing, AngusPure
More positive EBVs indicate better muscling on animals. Sires with and Heifer/Dairy Terminal. Each selection index describes a different
relatively higher EMA EBVs are expected to produce better-muscled production/market scenario and relates to a typical commercial herd
and higher percentage yielding progeny at the same carcase weight in New Zealand that is targeting the following specifications.
than will sires with lower EMA EBVs. Index values are reported as EBVs, in units of relative earning
Rib Fat and Rump Fat EBVs (mm) are calculated from capacity ($’s) for a given market. They reflect both the short-term
measurements of subcutaneous fat depth at the 12/13-rib site and profit generated by a sire through the sale of his progeny, and the
the P8 rump site (from live animal ultrasound scans and from abattoir longer-term profit generated by his daughters in a self-replacing
carcases) and are adjusted to a standard 400 kg carcase. These cow herd. More information is available on selecting animals using a
EBVs are indicators of the genetic differences in fat distribution on a selection index.
standard 400 kg carcase. Sires with low, or negative, fat EBVs are The Index values are derived using BreedObject technology. More
expected to produce leaner progeny at any particular carcase weight information is available from the BreedObject web site.
than will sires with higher EBVs. Self-Replacing Index ($) - Estimates genetic differences
Retail Beef Yield EBV (%) indicates genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined for a self-replacing
between animals for retail yield percentage in a standard 400 kg commercial herd, targeting the production of grass finished steers.
carcase. Sires with larger EBVs are expected to produce progeny Steers are assumed marketed at 525 kg live weight (280 kg carcase
with higher yielding carcases. weight and 10 mm fat depth) at 16 months of age.
Intramuscular Fat EBV (%) is an estimate of the genetic AngusPure Index ($) – Estimates the genetic differences
difference in the percentage of intramuscular fat at the 12/13th rib between animals in net profitability per cow joined in an example self-
site in a 400 kg carcase. Depending on market targets, larger more replacing commercial Angus herd that targets the production of grass
positive values are generally more favourable.
finished steers for the AngusPure programme. Steers are assumed