Page 14 - Umbrella Angus Catalogue ebook
P. 14

Ref Sire UMBRELLA RANGE 16 902 (ET)                            ID: 21162016902
                                                                      DOB:  08/09/16

                                                    S ALLIANCE 3313
                            S CHISUM 6175 (IMP USA)  S GLORIA 464
      GOLDWYN H817
                            GOLDWYN 512             848 OF TURIROA
                                                    GOLDWYN 267
                                                    HIGHLANDER OF STERN
                            STERN 0742
      UMBRELLA RANGE 10                             STERN 5296
      398                                           UMBRELLA RANGE 0536
                            UMBRELLA RANGE 07 150   UMBRELLA RANGE 0518

                       2021 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation EBVs for 2019 Born Calves
         CED     DTRS    Gest     BW     200W     400W    600W    Mat W    Milk
         -5.6    +4.2    -5.5    +5.7     +40     +73     +80      +64     +12
         48%     36%     69%     86%      83%     84%     81%      76%     69%
          SS       DC       CWT      EMA      Rib Fat  P8 FAT    RBY       IMF
         +3.2      -7.7     +40      +1.0     +2.0      +4.5     -0.8     +1.6
         84%      46%       74%      74%      77%       75%      73%      72%
      An impressive bull by Goldwyn H817 out of a great cow going back to   INDEXES
      Highlander of Stern. URA 902 is a powerful, thick and moderate bull. He is   SR  AP  HDT
      breeding true to type and we are very pleased with the strong, easy doing   +$129 A
      cattle he is producing.                          +$154              +$70

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