Page 70 - Tarangower Angus Catalogue ebook
P. 70

Premier Bull cover

          What is Premier Bull cover?                          Your bull’s value
          All bulls auctioned at this sale up to the value of $50,000 will   Any bull covered under this policy must be purchased for $50,000
          automatically be covered under FMG’s Premier Bull cover for 14   or less. For any bull purchased over $50,000 talk to an FMG
          days at no cost to the purchaser.                    representative.
          Length of cover                                      During the period of insurance, the specified
          To extend cover for the specified bull beyond 14 days you need to   animal is covered for:
          tick Premier Bull cover 12 months on the Purchaser Instruction and   •  Death or infertility as a result of accident, disease or illness.
          Insurance Slip in this catalogue. The specified bull is then covered   •  Transit.  •  Theft.
          for the remaining period of 12 months. The premium is payable to
          FMG and is in addition to the purchase price of the bull.
          If you require an alternative cover period talk to an FMG   What we will pay
          representative.                                      Fair market value of your specified bull, less any amount you
                                                               receive for the sale of the carcass, up to the amount shown on the
                                                               insurance certificate.

          Please note this is only a summary of the product and is subject to our specific product documentation. For full details, you should refer to the policy document.
          You can get these documents, and any other information you need, from your FMG representative, by calling us or visiting our website.

              Call us on    Visit our website
              0800 366 466                                                                 04/21 INHD
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