Page 4 - Raupuha Shorthorns Catalogue ebook
P. 4

Explanatory Notes

      An estimated Breeding Value EBV is an estimate of the genetic value of that particular animal
      for each trait measured.
      An accuracy is presented with each EBV and gives an indication of the amount of information
      that has been used in the calculation of that EBV. The higher the accuracy the less the ani-
      mal’s EBV are likely to change as more information is analysed for that animal or its relatives.
      Accuracy below 75% should be considered to be low.

      EBVs are provided for the following traits
      GL Gestation Length EBV (days) is based on AI records. Lower (negative) GL EBVs usually
      indicate easier calving and increased growth after birth, due to more days of growth compared
      to their contemporaries.

      BWT: Birth Weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted for
      dam age. The lower the value the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a dif-
      ficult birth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers.
      Milk: 200-Day Milk Ebv (kg) is an estimate of an animal’s milking ability. For sires, this EBV is in-
      dicative of their daughter’s milking ability as it affects the 200 and 400 day weight of their calves.
      200: 200-Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 80
      and 300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best
      single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth to early ages.
      400: 400-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 301
      and 500 days of age, adjusted to 400 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single esti-
      mate of an animal’s genetic merit for yearling weight.
      600: 600-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 501
      and 900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single esti-
      mate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age.

      MWT: Mature Cow Weight EBV (kg) is an estimate of the genetic difference in cow weight at 5
      years of age. Smaller, or more moderate EBVs are generally more favourable.
      SS: Scrotal Size EBV (cm) is an indicator of male fertility in regards to semen quality and
      quantity. Higher (positive) EBVs indicate higher fertility. SS is also positively associated with
      female fertility.

      2021 Bull Sale  2  Raupuha Shorthorns
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