Page 5 - Raupuha Shorthorns Catalogue ebook
P. 5

      The EBVs for Beef Shorthorns can not be compared with EBVs for animals of another breed.
      They should be compared with the current average EBVs for Australasian Beef Shorthorn
      shown below.

       DIR DTRS GL  Birth  200  400  600   Mat  Milk  SS  CWT EMA  Rib Rump RBY% IMF%
      +1.6 +1.3 -1.7 +2.9 +27 +38 +51 +44   +6  +1.5 +34 +4.3 -0.2 -0.1 +0.9 +0.6

       The Australasian Shorthorn GROUP BREEDPLAN Estimated Breeding Values
       contained in this Sale Catalogue were compiled by the Agricultural Business
       Research Institute (ABRI) from data supplied by the breeders. Neither the New Zealand
       Beef Shorthorn Association nor the ABRI oversee or audit the collection of this data.

      The Self - Replacing Index
      “The Self-replacing Index” ranks bulls on their ability to generate profit (profit per cow mated)
      in a herd situation in which some females are retained for breeding and surplus females,
      along with all males, are slaughtered.
      The main drivers of profit addressed by the Index include (in order of economic importance):
      ● Direct and Maternal Calving Ease ● Growth, Meat Yield ● Cow Survival ● Finishing Ability
      ● Fertility ● Cow Efficiency
      In short, selection on the Index is expected to favour production of a cowherd with excellent
      reproductive efficiency, rearing progeny with moderate-to-high growth rates and high yielding
      Comparing the lifetime profitability of two bulls:
      The following example illustrates how potential differences in lifetime profitability can be
      approximated between bulls with different Indexes. These estimates of value differences may
      be conservative.
      Two bulls with Self-replacing Indexes of $40 and $20 are mated to genetically similar cows. If each bull
      mates 200 cows during its lifetime, the first bull will generate $2000 ($(40-20)/2 x 200) more profit during
      its lifetime than the second bull (the $20 profit advantage must be divided by 2 because a bull only
      passes half his genes on to each of his progeny).
      The Dairy Index
      Estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined for an
      example commercial dairy herd targeting the production of dairy beef progeny from dairy
      cows and heifers where all progeny are slaughtered. Steers are assumed marketed at 520 kg
      live weight (280 kg carcase weight and 6 mm fat depth) at 20 months of age. While calving
      ease is by far the most important profit driver in the Index, growth and to a lesser extant meat
      yield also contribute.
                                   INDEX VALUES ($)
          Self Replacing        +$64              Dairy              +$36

                                                      2021 Bull Sale  3  Raupuha Shorthorns
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