Page 17 - Waigroup Pinebank Pinehill Angus 2021 Catalogue ebook
P. 17

given. All  bulls  have  been  tested  BVD  antigen
        negative and vaccinated for BVD.

      3. All bulls should be insured as any injury in transit
        is  only  covered  up  to  $1500  by  the  transport

      Caring for your new bull

      You have just invested in a Waigroup bull. To ensure
      you get the best return on your investment, we have
       a few suggestions on how to look after him – and you
      can be sure, that he’ll look after you.
      •  Your bull(s) has been running with a large mob of
        other cattle and will be leaving the security of familiar
        surroundings to arrive in a strange environment.
        Make sure he has several steers or cows with him
        if he is on his own.
      •  Keep a regular watch over your bulls when he is
        out with his mating group. Observe him serving,
        especially in the first week.
      •  Waigroup  bulls  are  used  to  being  handled  by
        stockmen on motorbikes with dogs. The bulls have
        been trained to respect electric fences. It still pays to
        handle them quietly with respect and consideration.
      If you follow these simple, but important ideas, you will
      get many years use from your bull.
      Any problems or concerns, please phone immediately

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