Page 18 - Waigroup Pinebank Pinehill Angus 2021 Catalogue ebook
P. 18

Genetic Defects -

      Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM), Neuropathic Hydrocephalus
      (NH),  Contractural Arachnodactyly  (CA),  Developmental
      Duplication (DD) AM, NH, CA and DD are simple recessive
      gene defects, caused by the presence of a single pair of
      inherited genes. The red gene in Angus cattle is a common
      example of recessive inheritance – the gene must be present
      on both sides of the pedigree for full expression.
      If a carrier sire and a carrier dam are mated, 25% of the
      progeny will be clear of the defect, 50% will be carriers, and
      25% will be affected.

      A DNA test has been developed to identify carrier animals so
      these defects can be eliminated from the breed.
      After such DNA testing, you will be given one of two results;

      AMF, NHF, CAF or DDF = tested free of the gene
      AMC, NHC, CAC or DDC = tested carriers of the defect.
      But, to assist with the identification of carrier animals (prior
      to DNA testing) a ‘probability test’ has been developed -
      using updated test results and animals’ pedigrees, known
      as Geneprob. Geneprob will identify ‘at risk’ animals in the
      breed database and assign them a status for AMS, NHS,
      CAS and DDS as follows;
      AMFU, NHFU, CAFU and/or DDFU
      = free by pedigree inference, untested
      MS %, NHS%, CAS% and/or DDS% = a suspected carrier
      (% = level of suspicion) but un-tested.
      Requires testing to validate true status.
      AMF, NHF, CAF and/or DDF = tested free of the defect.
      AMC, NHC, CAC and/or DDC = tested carrier of the
      defect.  These GeneProb analysis tests are performed
      every seven days.
      Genotyping for these mutations should, with 100% accuracy,
      expedite  elimination  of  these  genes  from  the Angus
      If you are unsure of any aspect of these genetic defects
      please  don’t  hesitate  to  ring  us  directly  or  contact  the
      AngusNZ on 06 323 4484.
      All bulls entered in this catalogue have a genetic status of
      Free or Free untested for the genetic defects mentioned
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